WroMigrant Information Point activities: 2024 in numbers
The number of consultations conducted, workshops held, and the client…
Actions for Intercultural Dialogue result from long-term development strategies of the city of Wrocław as well as from partnerships and commitments made by the city authorities at international and national levels.
The most important document so far was the Wrocław Strategy for Intercultural Dialogue (2018-2022). The strategy outlined a vision of a community where residents live in mutual respect, regardless of their origin, cultural identity, language, or religion. It showed specific examples of projects and activities carried out by municipal institutions and partners. The main objectives of the strategy have been developed within four areas reflecting real needs and strategic goals: education, integration, security, and cooperation.
In 2021, Wrocław joined the Council of Europe's Intercultural Cities Programme (ICC) as the third Polish city, after Lublin and Kraków. The Intercultural Cities (ICC) programme, which brings together over 150 cities from around the world, aims to support local authorities in creating and implementing inclusive integration policies based on the intercultural integration policy model, which enables authorities, communities, organisations, and enterprises to manage the diversity of people in a way that ensures the equal value of all identities, social cohesion and competitive advantage.
As an ICC network member, Wrocław is granted access to intercultural policy know-how and reliable tools, that can be used to develop and evaluate the current and future policy. Within the scope of the membership, the city representatives can count on the support of ICC experts, for example in the form of experts' visits to Wrocław or access to professional training. The received recommendations will be used to update and more effectively implement the current Intercultural Dialogue Strategy and help formulate guidelines and action plans for the coming years.
On the national level of cooperation, members of the Intercultural Dialogue Team participate regularly in meetings and works of the UMP Team for Migration and Integration of the Union of Polish Metropolises.
The number of consultations conducted, workshops held, and the client…
Infopoint WroMigrant team published a guide on international protection and…
WroMigrant, the city’s information point for migrants and refugees, has…