Basics on the international protection in Poland now available
Infopoint WroMigrant team published a guide on international protection and…
The number of consultations conducted, workshops held, and the client profile of WroMigrant — the new year is an opportunity to summarise activities supporting the migrant and refugee community in Wrocław.
Every year, the WroMigrant information point team of Wrocław Centre for Social Development (WCRS) summarises its activities. The data sources included forms completed after each consultation and satisfaction surveys filled out by the point’s clients. The team also compiled reports after events organised independently by WCRS and in cooperation with partner organisations.
In 2024, as in previous years, the primary tasks of the WroMigrant team included providing free informational consultations, as well as organising workshops and informational meetings. A key feature of WroMigrant consultations is supporting clients in becoming independent and empowered. Therefore, we do not fill out applications on behalf of clients or contact institutions for them; instead, we explain step by step how they can handle official matters on their own.
In 2024, in-person consultations primarily took place at the municipal space for meetings and social activities, Przejście Dialogu (Passage of Dialogue), located at Świdnicka 19, from Monday to Saturday, between 12:00 and 16:00.
From August to December, consultants also held monthly shifts at municipal libraries in Jagodno (Branch No. 14) and Psie Pole (CBK FAMA).
Remote consultations were provided via telephone (via three mobile numbers and one landline), email, and via Viber and Messenger communication platforms.
Consultations were conducted in five languages: Polish, Ukrainian, English, Belarusian, and Russian.
Last year, 7,437 individuals representing 81 nationalities reached our information point through consultations and workshops. We conducted 3,880 free individual informational consultations for 6,454 clients, including:
The most represented national groups among the point’s clients were individuals from Ukraine (60%), Belarus (21%), Poland (2%), Turkey, and Russia (1% each). The percentage distribution of the largest client groups by nationality is presented in the pie chart below.
A total of 67.4% of people visited WroMigrant for the first time, while 32.6% used the services for the second time or more.
The most frequently discussed topics included: legalisation of stay (and residence), UKR status, border crossing, employment, and social assistance. A comparison of the most frequent consultation topics is presented in the chart below.
Compared to 2023, the number of consultations increased by 9.4%, the number of organised events rose by 5.7%, and the number of field events (including picnics and job fairs) attended by WroMigrant consultants doubled – the WroMigrant stand was present at nine events held in the city.
In 2024, WroMigrant continued to coordinate legal consultations and introduced a new service: individual psychological consultations for migrants and refugees. At Przejście Dialogu, lawyers from the District Chamber of Legal Advisers provided 334 consultations. Psychologists conducted 30 individual consultations in Ukrainian or Russian and 30 in Polish or English.
Approximately one thousand people participated in events organised by WroMigrant in 2024. Among the regular events, art therapy meetings for women and sessions of the educational financial game Cash Flow were particularly popular.
The most attended events conducted by partner organisations included:
Among the events conducted by WroMigrant consultants, the most attended was a training session on residence legalisation based on UKR status, with 39 participants. In addition to traditional training topics such as “Pole’s Card,” “Permanent Residence,” “Temporary Residence,” “International Protection,” “Long-Term EU Resident Status,” and “Everyday Life in a Polish School,” WroMigrant expanded its offer with two new topics: “Settling in Poland with a Child” and “Polish as a Foreign Language Exam at B1 Level.”
Consultants conducted training sessions in five languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian, English, and Russian. The WroMigrant team also provided translation for presentations and partner events.
Each year, we organise a meeting for people with disabilities and their caregivers. This year, training was conducted by specialists from the Wrocław Municipal Social Welfare Centre on available support for people with disabilities. Simultaneous interpretation into Ukrainian and Ukrainian Sign Language was provided. Participants could also use an induction loop.
Our statistics record clients’ migration reasons, divided into three categories:
The number of participants in consultations, divided by migration reasons, is presented in the chart below.
Compared to 2023, the number of voluntary migrants increased significantly (by nearly 93.5%), and the number of individuals applying for international protection rose by 56.7% compared to 2023.
In 2024, 1,391 satisfaction surveys were completed, with almost half of the respondents (45.6%) visiting the Point for the first time.
The most common way new clients learned about us was through word of mouth – 50.4% of people. Around 15.4% found out through social media, 9.8% were referred by offices, organisations, and institutions, and 7% happened to pass by and decide to use the consultation services.
The percentage distribution of declared sources of information about WroMigrant consultations is shown in the pie chart below
Most people who completed the satisfaction survey expressed satisfaction with the consultations (90% of all respondents). A total of 91.5% rated the usefulness of the information received during the consultation with the highest score on a scale of 1 to 5.
In 2024, the WroMigrant team expanded its offer by introducing new training and consultation topics and offering a new service of individual psychological consultations. Despite the increase in the number of consultations and the expanded scope of activities, we maintained a high standard of services, as reflected in the satisfaction survey results. By focusing on quality and an individual approach, we strive to build trusted relationships with our clients, becoming an essential support point for Wrocław’s migrant community.
Infopoint WroMigrant team published a guide on international protection and…
WroMigrant, the city’s information point for migrants and refugees, has…
Over 3,500 consultations, 70 organised events, and over 7,500 individuals…