@clusion – Supporting integration of LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees locally

Supporting the integration of LGBTQI+ migrants at a local level

Cities, municipalities, and local governments have always been instrumental in welcoming migrants and refugees, advancing their full realisation of human rights, and guaranteeing their inclusion in the community, in collaboration with civil society and national governments. Creating of friendly, diverse and inclusive societies is a process that requires the involvement of both migrants and the host society. Inviting and including new neighbours - migrants and refugees into social activities, as well as promoting their active participation in civic and decision-making processes, can support their empowerment and ensure, that integration and social inclusion policies will effectively reflect and respond to real needs and challenges.

Given these challenges, the @nclusion project consortium, which brings together local authorities, social organisations advocating for the rights of migrants and LGBTQI+ and migrant organisations from 6 EU countries (Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain) has planned activities to increase the efficiency of integration of LGBTQI+ migrants at the local level through the implementation of local integration strategies and activities based on the intersectoral cooperation.

The „@clusion" project focuses on supporting one of the most vulnerable social groups that is part of the migrant community - LGBTQI+ people. The participation of our city in the project is an opportunity to build a network of cooperation that will lead to positive changes even after the end of the project.


Main goals of the @clusion project

The project's aim is to develop solutions for preventing multidimensional discrimination, which LGBTIQ+ migrants are exposed to, and to enhance their ability to integrate effectively at the local level. Project activities are carried out in EU member states that have a high proportion of migrant and refugee populations, and a significant proportion of non-EU-born citizens are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

The @nclusion project focuses on building cooperation and coordination between local authorities, migrant organisations and communities, LGBTQI+ organisations and other civil society organisations supporting the rights of migrants and LGBTQI+ in Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain, so as to build the foundations for implementing local integration and inclusivity strategies.

Planned results:

  • 6 national reports and 1 transnational report on needs, attitudes and processes towards LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees;
  • Training programme for local authorities and social organisations;
  • Implementation of mentoring programs for newly arrived migrants and LGBTQI+ refugees;
  • Workshops at local and international level;
  • Development of tools and guidelines fo integrtion and implementation of good practices into local action planning ( for local authorities);
  • Establishment of local working groups of project partners: local governments and partner organisations in each project country;
  • Creation of an information portal for LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees;
  • Events to raise awareness about the project.


  • Anaptyxiaki Etaireia Lefkosias (Anel) Ltd (Cyprus) - Project Coordinator
  • NGO Nest Berlin (Germany)
  • CSI Center for Social Innovation Ltd (Cyprus)
  • Symplexis (Greece)
  • Elliniko Forum Metanaston– Efm (Greece)
  • Anci Sicilia (Italy)
  • Cesie (Italy)
  • Gmina Wrocław - City of Wrocław (Poland)
  • Fundacja Ukraina - Foundation Ukraine (Poland)
  • Ayuntamiento de Alzira (Spain)


Cross-sectoral cooperation

The goals of the @clusion project envisage cooperation between:

  • Local authorities;
  • Organisations working for migrants and refugees;
  • Organisations representing LGBTQI communities and individuals;
  • Other civil society organisations supporting the rights of migrants and LGBTQI+.



About the project

Period: 01.04.2024 - 31.03.2027 (36 months)

Project reference number: 101141076

Global budget of the project: ~1 430 000,00 €

Programme: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027)

Action: AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL-02-LOCAL

The unit representing the Municipality of Wroclaw is Wroclaw Centre for Social Development.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the
author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European
Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held
responsible for them.


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Follow social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AMIFinclusionprojectEU

Check out the website: https://inclusionproject.eu/